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/ The Macintosh Demo Applications CD / Apple-MacintoshDemoApplicationsCD-1.0-1992.iso / More Information / Audioshop™ / Music / Royal song 3 to 1.snd < prev   
MacOS Resource Fork  |  1992-07-17  |  43KB

This file was processed as: MacOS Resource Fork (archive/rsrc).

You can browse this item here: Royal song 3 to 1.snd

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert MacOS Resource Fork (rsrc) magic
100% dexvert Audio Interchange File Format (aif) magic
66% dexvert Sun Microsystems Audio File (au) ext
10% dexvert MacBinary (macBinary) fallback
1% dexvert Music Studio Sound (musicStudioSound) ext
1% dexvert Quattro Pro Sound File (quattroProSound) ext
1% dexvert DataShow Sound File (dataShowSound) ext
100% file MacBinary II, inited, Fri Jul 17 10:17:58 1992, modified Fri Jul 17 10:18:01 1992, creator 'AUDI', type 'AIFF', 42748 bytes "Royal song 3 to 1.snd" default
99% file IFF data, AIFF-C compressed audio, at 0xa77c 286 bytes resource default
98% file IFF data, AIFF-C compressed audio default
97% file data default
74% TrID Mac AIFF audio (MacBinary) default
25% TrID MacBinary 2 default